Turn long commands into quick shortcuts

Easily convert complex terminal commands into quick, memorable shortcuts. Save time and code more efficiently.

6 devs code faster
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Countless developers waste precious hours typing repetitive commands - don’t be one of them.

Repetitive commands are eating into your productivity and sanity.


3 hrs per week manually entering commands


Frustration builds as the wrong commands are copy-pasted


Every extra second spent on the terminal is a second not spent on developing, testing, or innovating

Save time, code fasterwith AliasGenie

  • Save time and reduce errors by creating aliases for your most frequently used terminal commands.
  • Easily update and delete your aliases as your workflow evolves. Keep your command shortcuts organized and up-to-date, ensuring maximum efficiency in your development process.
  • Find and reuse your aliases instantly with a powerful search tool, making it effortless to handle multiple projects.
  • Securely transfer your aliases between machines or share them with your team, ensuring consistency across all your development environments.
  • Organize your aliases into customizable groups for different projects or tasks, enhancing your command line navigation and efficiency.


Boost productivity, save time, and get more done!


Perfect for those looking to enhance their command line productivity on macOS.




  • Full CRUD operations on aliases
  • Single user license
  • Free updates for 6 months

Pay once. Access forever.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • AliasGenie is a desktop application that simplifies the management of command line aliases, allowing developers to create, organize, and deploy aliases quickly and efficiently. It's designed to save you time and streamline your coding process by reducing the need to memorize or retype lengthy commands.
  • AliasGenie reduces the complexity and repetition in your development workflow. By enabling you to create and manage aliases easily, it cuts down on the time spent typing or correcting commands, so you can focus more on coding and less on command management.

  • Currently, AliasGenie supports single-user operations and is optimized for individual developers. However, we recognize the importance of team collaboration and are actively working to introduce features that will support multiple users, such as team licensing and the ability to import/export aliases across different workstations. These features are planned for future releases to ensure AliasGenie meets the needs of development teams. Stay tuned for updates!
  • AliasGenie is currently only available for macOS. We are planning to extend support to other platforms based on user demand and feedback.
  • We currently do not offer a trial version, but AliasGenie comes with a 7-day money-back guarantee. If you find it doesn't meet your needs, you can get a full refund within 7 days of purchase.
  • Once you purchase AliasGenie, you will receive an email with download instructions. All purchasers are entitled to free updates for six months (Basic plan) or one year (Advanced plan) from the date of purchase. Updates can be downloaded from our website.
  • No, AliasGenie is available as a one-time purchase. There are no recurring fees or subscriptions. You pay once and use AliasGenie indefinitely on the version you have purchased.
  • We take security seriously. AliasGenie operates locally on your machine, and no data is ever sent to the cloud or outside your local environment. All your aliases remain under your control.
  • We offer email support for all users and priority support for Advanced plan users. We are available to help resolve any issues you may encounter and provide guidance on using AliasGenie effectively.
  • We value user feedback and encourage you to share your ideas and experiences. You can request features and provide feedback through our support email or via the feedback form on our website.

Code smarter, faster

Stop wasting time on repetitive command line tasks. Simplify your development process and focus on what truly matters—creating great code.

Get AliasGenie